March 27, 2008


Evidence that some girls who go to BYU are, in fact, ridiculously stupid.

Today we went to play baketball at some court in between dorms at BYU. I always like to say "Hey," or "How's it going?" [or something along the lines of that] to passerbys (sp?) when we go there, because I like being friendly and you never know who's having a bad day and a random "Hello" might change that. Also, it's kinda ridiculous.

My friend Nate always like to take it to the next level though. If the person [usually female] doesn't respond he'll say something along the lines of: "It's OK you don't need to talk to him. He didn't serve." This doesn't offend me at all, I actually think it's funny, because girls will usually do one of two things. 1) Laugh at Nate, shoot a look at me, then continue walking. 2) Just shoot a look at me and continue walking. I never get a "So what if he didn't serve? At least he's not fat like you!" or anything like that.

Girls are dumb here.

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