August 1, 2008

The Formal Update Thing

Well, having not updated for a while, I figured I should. Here are the things that have occured in my life that I feel are worth blogging about:

John Mayer concert, July 21st.
I wanted to wait a while to post about this one so I wouldn't be some giddy fan writing "OMG JOHN MURR IS SO HAWT". Thus here I am, giving my formal opinion on Mr. Mayer's live show. Almost two weeks later, I can still say he is far and away the best live performer I have seen. He loves his fans, and he shows it. He was extremely happy to be in SLC, which confused me to no ends. He sauntered around the stage, he gave each solo a different take then i'd previously heard, which was an absolute joy for my ears. This guy can truly play the guitar. He joked with the fans, and thank God he said the "F" word. It was on the last song before the encore, and I would have been dissapointed if he hadn't said it. More enjoyable, I took my friend Chad with me. Chad is a metal fan. Chad is now a John Mayer fan. I also made ammends with an old friend, which is good. Overall, the best night of my summer so far.

My Birthday, July 31st

Birthdays haven't been a big deal for since I was 12, I hadn't planned on doing anything except going out to dinner with the guys, shooting the shit, sharing inside jokes. Well it turns out my expectations got blown out of the water. I had an incredible day. It was just an all around fun and happy Birthday. And I got exactly what I wanted, and I got it around 1 so I was in a good mood for the entire day.

My Upcoming Move To Boston

Yep, the wheels are in motion. I'm finally moving to Boston. I say finally because I've had other oppurtunities to go, but have yet to man up to it. This time it's legit, I've got my road tip from Provo to Boston all planned out, with places to stay and estimated gas costs. I'm truly excited to go, the idea of meals and becoming my sisters personal bitch are extremely inviting. So I move August 24th, and I'll be in Boston by the 28th :).