December 15, 2009


At the end of the day, I'm gonna brush this off my shoulder, but right now I just wanna say that I'm completely blown away. Mouth agape, jaw on the floor, starstruck. I'm continuously putting myself in situations that are going to turn me heartless; that are turning me into this persona I've created in my head. I might as well tear my heart out and give it to someone else to use, It's that worthless to me. That's how I feel.

But then logic kicks in, and I realize bitches be crazy, and I have terrible taste in women. I find great girls, smart, witty, fun...but they are all missing a kink in their god damned minds. They are all suffering from "I"m gonna turn crazy after a brief period of time" syndrome. They suffer from "I left my CD's in his car, and I can't just leave 50 CD's" disease.

I'm gonna masturbate using my tears for lubricant now.