January 17, 2009

Alcohol: My Experience's Thus Far

In order for you to understand this entry easier, I did not even try alcohol until last summer (I have since vowed not to drink commercial beer unless it is the only choice I have). That being said, I find myself blessed with a brother who works at Cambridge Brewing Company, which means I to drink really good beer for free. Anyways.

Beer: I'm not entirely a huge fan. I seriously won't drink it unless there is nothing else around. Having the privelage of drinking CBC brews has made me appreciate Beer a lot more though. I always get a different brew, and I'm trying to learn more about it so I can appreciate the taste a lot more. This being said, I usually have one beer while I chat with the people who work there, then leave. A) Because I drive there. B) I don't like being drunk.

Hard Liquor: I would much rather drink some mixture of whatever or straight shots then beer. Usually because if I am going to drink, I'm drinking to get drunk. Why waste time? When it comes to Voldka or rum, I'm a complete light weight. I will honeslty get drunk off of two shot.

Now If I had to label myself, I would call myself a "casual drinker". I don't go to the bar every night. Or even once a week. I don't party. I hate parties. Sometimes I just need to let loose and drink though. I also never, and will never, drive drunk.

P.S. For those of you wondering what I'm like drunk, I'm more talky. Seriously I don't know how it's possible but I am. I also get touchy. Not creepy touchy, but just touchy.