November 18, 2008


Having been here for a few months, I think I can officially talk about life in Boston. I just want to say out loud, although some things haven't changed with my daily routine or my general views on life, being away from Utah has opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I've experienced more in the last two months then I did in the entire two years prior. I'm working the hardest I ever had in my life, and I take pride in my work. I love my job, even though I work with quite a few characters(but what job doesn't have those people?). Working with people is something I need to do for the rest of my life, and I mean large amounts of people. I see around a hundreds of guests every time I work (or I talk to them on the phone), and I love being able to interact with them. The management at my work is incredible, and they've all been very nice to me. Most of my co-workers have been great and I'm thankful to work in such an open environment.

Living with my sister and her family has been interesting, but it's nice to have family around. Having not one, but two (or three if I vent to Graham) people willing to listen to me vent and me not putting me through any kind of guilt trip takes a lot of my stress off my shoulders. I'm thankful they put up with me and my baggage, and I look forward to spending the holidays with them.

Now I'm going to sound a bit egotistical, but it's interesting how I couldn't pay a girl to go out with me in Utah, and out here I feel like I could ask any girl out and she'd say yes. It's amazing how something as seemingly small as this can completely change my self image.

All this plus the fact that I'm going to school In January leads me to believe I should continue to stay here come 2009.