March 27, 2008


Evidence that some girls who go to BYU are, in fact, ridiculously stupid.

Today we went to play baketball at some court in between dorms at BYU. I always like to say "Hey," or "How's it going?" [or something along the lines of that] to passerbys (sp?) when we go there, because I like being friendly and you never know who's having a bad day and a random "Hello" might change that. Also, it's kinda ridiculous.

My friend Nate always like to take it to the next level though. If the person [usually female] doesn't respond he'll say something along the lines of: "It's OK you don't need to talk to him. He didn't serve." This doesn't offend me at all, I actually think it's funny, because girls will usually do one of two things. 1) Laugh at Nate, shoot a look at me, then continue walking. 2) Just shoot a look at me and continue walking. I never get a "So what if he didn't serve? At least he's not fat like you!" or anything like that.

Girls are dumb here.

March 26, 2008

The "First Kiss" Rant

It's been a while since I had a proper rant, so I figured since today isn't as gorgeous as it has been, I'd throw open the windows, put on my rant music [Gavin Mikhail for those of you who care], and just spew random crap out of my mouth until I feel content.

First kisses. You know, you find someone and there's a mutual attraction. So you start hanging out, or you go on a date. From this point, thinks either come to a stop, ex. she's a crazy bitch, or you enjoy each others company enough to keep enjoying each others company. One day you realize [this is obviously from the guys stand point], you have really developed something with this person, to the point you want to take it to the next level. You want to kiss this person. It shouldn't be a big deal, you're pretty sure the other person wants the same thing, but for some unknown reason you're nervous. Time and time again, you can't bring yourself to do it. In my experience, the first kiss is almost always unplanned. Whenever you go out intending to kiss that other person, you psyche yourself out.

So it finally happens. Randomly. You're walking, holding hands, and the other person stumbles. You catch them. They're so close to you it just happens, like it's automatic. Or whatever happens, it just happens. And it knocks the wind out of you. For that brief amount of time, you're floating. And here's my problem.

That feeling you get from a first kiss just doesn't happen again

because once you've kissed once, you kiss more. Then you're making out. And there is only so much you can do with kissing to keep things new and exciting. Soon kissing is almost like a habit. This is my problem, why can't every kiss be just like a first kiss. I'm just generalizing here, but I think that the reason so many young people get sexually involved is that they get bored with kissing a/o making out [that and it's the "what you do" when you're with someone you're in a relationship]. So I'm trying to think out a way to keep kissing around the same scale as a first kiss. Any ideas?

March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!


So it's been a while, nothings happened in case you wondered. BUT I did sneak out of Provo this weekend and cruise up to Baker City Oregon to attend my dear friend Theo's farewell. It was good to be away, I'm back fully refreshed and ready to throw myself back into the topsy turvy life I'm used to. Baker was gorgeous. Free laundry was excellent. Life is good :). Here is an Easter picture for you all !

P.S. Be expecting a video of me and Chad singing Alicia Key's "No One" on the trip up. Pretty funny.

March 8, 2008


Life is alright.
