- I seriously lack the ability to take a deep breath, step back, and take things slow.
- I think It's because I'm power hungry.
- I think it's because I'm attention starved
- I think it's because I wasn't loved enough as a kid
I'm like a supernova, I blow up. I'm everywhere at once. I overwhelm.
I can have a successful night by any standard, and fret about it. Over think it. Try to fix something that wasn't wrong in the first place.
I try to balance fake over confidence with fake under confidence.
I'm just normal. yet I'm anything but
I am way to willing to give up personal details. I am way to willing to argue over mundane issues.
I will bring up my past. It will surprise you. You will wonder why you're out with me. I will win you back.
I am charming. I am out spoken. I am a great listener.
You don't know it yet, but If you give me time, I will win you over.
And yeah, I have an ego.