February 16, 2009

Screw Censors

Mormon girls make me laugh. I've had a bunch try and guilt me about not going to church and how the reason "I'm not really happy" is because of the "bad choices" I've made.

Well, these same girls send pictures to my cell and text or call me wanting phone some kinds of verbal gratification (aka phone sex). I've heard stories about blow jobs, about how they have to wait for their roommate to be asleep to masturbate, all kinds of things chastised by the Mormon faith. Drinkings, drugs, cheating on their boyfriends and/or husbands. I've heard it all.

There's a subtle difference between me and said girls. Once a week I don't go to church and act like I'm something I'm not. I've owned up to the fact that I'm not perfect, that I like to drink sometimes and that I think sex is fun. Most of them on the other hand front, and act like their perfect little daughters of god. News flash. You aren't. Even after we talk and you tell me you don't do that kinda stuff anymore, I laugh in my head as I start my internal stop watch to the next time you call wanting to know what i'd do to you if I was there right now.

Grow up. Own up. Either you suck dick or you don't. Don't pretend you're going to stop because odds are you're going to be a repeat offender.

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