December 31, 2007

Apocalypitc Dreams

Lately I've had a lot of apocalyptic dreams, which doesn't really worry me. Except Gary the Tiz tends to be in these dreams. That isn't what makes them apocalyptic, but it tends to freak me out. Last night was like Noah's flood Tokyo Drift. Pretty much water > humans. It was crazy. I woke up and was like, "Wow, another apocalyptic dream. What the hell, it's 8 AM! I'm going back to bed." Went right back to bed. Jumped right back into the same dream.

Some things I'd like to note about my apocalyptic dreams:
-There are three kind of reactions to my apocalyptic dreams
1) The crazy religious type who go to the beach and embrace the on coming wave of doom.
2) The screw everything, let's get orgy-porgy, kinda people who don't exactly run from the oncoming doom, but do anything and everything they haven't done yet. We'll call them the "Bucket List" people from now on.
3) The people who are intent on survival. I tend to be one of these people. Pack all your crap, head to the mountains. That kinda thing.

I hold I Am Legend responsible for these dreams.

December 29, 2007


So this morning I woke up and immediately got ready so that a friend and I could go see the movie Juno. Directed by Jason Reitman (the guy who directed Thank You For Smoking, another great movie), this movie was astonishing. This movie was funny, but not Superbad or Knocked Up funny. In Juno, realistic situations paint a real life kind of funny, a funny I normally experience when I'm hanging out with the guys. On the other hand, this movie had a kind of power that seemed to grasp you and throw into the life of this 16 year old girl who finds out that she's pregnant. It deals with real issues like abortion and adoption. I don't hesitate when I say that this movie is possibly the best movie I've seen this year, and most likely the best feel good movie I've seen since Garden State. I don't care if you rather see something else, don't waste your time. This is a movie I'd take anyone to see.

Aside from that, Christmas was better then expected. I'm looking into getting another camera, possibly a camcorder. I'm gonna start my own Youtube thing, chronicling my adventures. We'll see how it goes.

December 25, 2007


Happy Christmas

December 20, 2007

Everyday I Have The Blues

Hey all, so many things I'm going to get to, I'm honestly sitting down at 3:15 and I anticipate being on here for at least an hour. So lets get right to it.

So I finally got my new pumas in the mail, the ones I custom designed on the net at this thing called "The Mongolian Barbecue." I highly recommend it, it's quite liberating having nearly absolute control of what you put on your feet. So if you have $145 to spare, go to and make yourself some bomb sneakers.

For those of you who don't know (this also implies you don't have internet or TV), Jamie Lynn Spears is preggo...and 16. Now don't get me wrong, I support Jamie in her decision to keep the child, although I think she should put it up for adoption to spare the kid from being a part of the spears family, but this brings up a really interesting subject for me. Now, being raised Mormon, I never even THOUGHT about having sex when I was 16. NEVER. Like it never even crossed my mind. This doesn't I didn't do anything, but the idea of this young girl, known mostly for her failure-at-life sister, getting pregnant at the age of 16, with absolutely everything ahead of her, blows my mind. I mean WOW. Here's the thing, what bugs me the most is that this is somehow OK. I mean, ya, girls get knocked up all the time, and ya, some of them chose to abort or whatever. But that in no way makes it right. I'm not saying don't have premarital sex, I mean I'd highly recommend it, but I'm not trying to force my beliefs right now. I'm saying, wait until your at least old enough to legally have sex with your boyfriend. I mean the guy that knocked her up is 19. Isn't that statutory rape?

This brings me to something else. I seriously don't want to raise I daughter in American society. I mean, I want to buy my own island and how school my kids. I can't think of a single main stream celebrity who is a good example for young women in todays society. Whether it's "You need to smoke or drink to be cool" or "You need to be skinnier" or "lets have sex, everyone does," the mainstreams influence on our (and the next) generations females is fucked. There is no other way to say it. And this pisses me off. I'm not exactly a womens rights activist, but holy hell. I mean, you hear about how chivalry is dead or whatever, and I say how could it freakin survive when girls are this easy. I honestly know girls I could call up and they'd be down for anything. And I'm not bragging, I'm saying where is the freaking challenge. And the guys out there (this is a little self chastising as well) who take advantage of these girls, fuck you. I've never taken the time to fully recognize exactly how screwed up "the world" really is. You know what bugs me the most, is it's not even our fault. The generation before ours consists of so many money grubbing whores who would sell anything just to make their millions. Screw that. Screw the media. I mean we (as Americans) worry so much about what crazy shit Britney Spears is doing, we don't even take the time to realize what the hell the real issues are in the world. It pisses me off. I'm over America right now. We've taken a good thing, and we've giving it a fatty Alabama Hot Pocket. If you don't know what that is, don't look it up. It's disgusting, but true.

This brings me to another thing. I'm not saying I completely support the War in Iraq, but we got rid of another of the worlds Tyrants, so that is that. What pisses me off, is some of these soldiers I'm supposed to support are sending videos home bitching about how bad it sucks and holding "Help me" signs. You know what, honestly, screw that. You signed up for this. Quit your bitching. What, you think you'd go through boot camp, get your college paid for, then carry the fuck on with your life? Fuck you. I would dishonorably discharge ever single one of them. That's absolute bull shit. If I was in Iraq, I'd do more of the "I miss my family, I wish I was home for the holidays" then "I'm a whinny bitch, and even though I applied for this job, and I collect the benefits, I don't want to work." False pretenses my balls. I understand missing your family or whatever, but I don't turn on CNN to see your ass bitch, I turn on CNN to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do over there.

So here it is, Dec. 20th, only 5 days till Santa Day (name pending). Seriously, holidays are dead to me. This is the last year I think I'm going to buy and receive gifts. Christmas is as commercialized as Valentines day, and that's not the point of Christmas. I mean yeah, it's nice to get something new, but no one should have to stretch for money. I don't need my dad pressuring me for the cell phone bill cause he doesn't have money for Christmas presents. Honestly, for the last 19 years he's been buying me shit, he has an infinite amount of "Get out of Jail free" cards. And seriously who the hell cares about presents? I want to spend Christmas day with my family. That is what Christmas is about. It's about being with the people you love.

Anyways, life is immensely good, I just had to vent this stuff. Hope you all have a happy holiday

December 11, 2007


I've managed to buy myself a new phone, some custom designed sneaks, and a nice winter ensemble.

Not Enough

This song speaks to me

December 7, 2007


Just to keep it real, I hate hypocrites. Especially people you have to deal with on a daily basis. I mean, I trust you to tell you something, and you go and tell every freakin person? I mean how much shit do I know about you and keep it to myself? Ya well that's done now, anything is up for grabs. That's bull shit.

It's freaking raining, and I'm pissed. Some people just piss me off. I mean holy hell.

December 6, 2007

Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

[Just to forewarn you, this is easily the darkest thing I've ever written. It's also completely a true story]

Anti-Christmas: The Prelude of Broken Dreams

On a cold December eve, two comrades decided that they would depart from the warmth and comfort of there apartment. Instead of enjoying hot chocolate
with marshmallows, listening to Christmas music, or thoughtfully searching for the perfect gift for a loved one, they decided to do something devious. They decided that every child who made a snowman in hopes of it coming to life and playing with them needed a reality check. And so, they put on their jackets,
and in the middle of the evening, departed from the warmth of home.

One of these men had only a few nights before noticed some cheerful students of the nearby university happily working together to build a tall and majestic fort. This is where the night of destruction began. As they drove towards the group of buildings that housed the fort, butterflies floated in their stomachs. Not the butterflies’ one might receive when with an attractive young lady, but the butterflies of the first kill. We’ll furthermore refer to them as “murderflies”. The murderflies swirled around in their stomachs, making them even more anxious. As they turned down the appropriate street, they saw the target. They calmly parked the car. Looking around for witnesses, they approached the fort. The walk was longer then anticipated, and the murderflies began to swirl into some kind of feeding frenzy. The small remains of a snowman stood near the path that led to the fort, and one of them decided it was worth the side track to destroy what remained. He quickly approached the pile and kicked it with all his might. Snow flew through the air, and he triumphantly returned to his comrade, the both of them laughing gleefully.

As they turned a corner, they saw it. As they moved toward the fort, they began to fully appreciate what they were doing. They were destroying something in minutes what had taken hours to create. The power was intoxicating. When they drew closer, the first of them charged towards it, kicking a whole in side. The other followed close behind. As they terrorized the establishment, it dawned on them that they were in open sight of both those in the closest building and those passing on the near by road. As a car speedily approached, they both ducked behind what remained of the Eastern side of the wall. After some deliberation they decided it was best to wrap up this job and move on. So they quickly tore down what remained of the walls, kicking and hitting, trying to contain their laughter. After satisfying their early snowlust, they moved away, searching for more snow built designs. Any and all found worthy were destroyed. Yet, this was only the beginning to an evening of broken dreams.

The friends returned to the car, pleased with the early success of their debauchery. They started the car, and drove away from the ruins, already thinking of the next potential target. As they drove down the busy street, eyes peering down ever road looking for likely snowman breeding grounds, an elementary school approached to the left. The field behind the school was like a congregation of snow creatures. Snowmen, Snow-caterpillars, and other snow creatures were spread throughout the entire complex. Grinning slyly, they quietly turned into the schools parking lot.

At the thought of destroying so many dreams, one of them hesitated. This was strike would be below the belt. This was attacking dreams where dreams shouldn’t exist; a school. After a brief convincing, they moved out of the vehicle. The first caterpillar lay there, frozen in the night. A brief jog followed by a leap brought the feet of the first on top of its head, crunching the snow down violently. The other man approached with increasing speed, and jumping, landed on a larger portion. Unfortunately, he was knocked back. This would not be as easy as they’d hoped. Some of these snow creatures had improved defenses. This minor detour didn’t change the attitudes of our hunters. They moved on, finding the weak points in each creature, quickly dismantling each one. The cheerful congregation of the imagination soon turned into a small child’s nightmare. Snowmen and their families lay broken and battered across the field. Our heroes returned to the vehicle, and just as quietly as they came, they disappeared.

To answer your question, they did not return home and wipe the snowy blood from their jackets. Instead, they headed to the residential area of the town. You must understand, a strange kind of desire had crept into their hearts. They had to destroy each and every snowman they saw, until they could no longer bear to be outside. So they carried on, driven by this unquenchable thirst.
After a few turns with no results, they finally found a victim. One of them waiting in the driver’s seat, for the sake of caution; who knows what might happen if they were caught with snow all over them, surrounded by the half beaten corpses of snowmen. As the chosen destroyer approached what remained of the half melted snowman, he though about exactly which was he should end its pitiful existence. He decided he would end it quickly, execution style. When he felt he was close enough, he ran up and kicked the back of it, sending snow flying onto the shoveled pathway. He quickly returned to the car, laughingly like a child on Christmas morning. They both laughed for a while as they searched for the next house.

When they found it, they had second thoughts. You see, this front yard was decorated with not only a snowman, but a snow swan and a snow snail. How could anyone destroy such beautiful works? One thought ran through the killers head: No mercy. He had the driver drop him off, and walked calmly past the swan and the snowman. He was just a friendly neighbor on a late night stroll. His demeanor changed as he passed the snail. Turning on his left foot, he round-house kicked the snail with his right, cleaning decapitating it. Then, he silently dispatched the snowman and the swan. Laughter floated out from the car, the execution bringing glee to the driver.

Many more houses followed, and as time progressed more and more snowmen fell and died. At least eighteen snowmen died that night. I would get into the detail of every kill, but that would take too long. So I will highlight. One snowman fell from a double legged kick to the back. Another fell to what will be referred to as a “Gears of War” style curb stomping. The most formidable enemy was a snow fort with an arched entrance. The arch fell, but the walls refused to crumble. A sphinx, proudly guarding the front door of one house, was struck directly in the head by the very shovel that made it. The shovel was then stabbed into the side of it as a reminder to all near by snow creatures to live in fear.

Soon, the friends began to tire of slaying snowmen. They began to crave something more…risky. As they headed up to a richer area of the community, they spotted two things. At one home, two snowmen sat quietly on top of a hilled drive way. Across the street from this abode, a large house had entirely too many lights. In front of their gated home, a light up baby Jesus sat with mother Mary and Joseph. Together they realized two things. One, those snowmen needed to die for thinking that a hilled driveway would protect them from intruders. The other was this: baby Jesus needed to be kidnapped. The team quickly split up, one heading for the snowmen, the other for baby Jesus. Like a thief in the night, he deftly unplugged baby Jesus and quickly threw him into the front seat of the car. The other was unable to control his laughter and complete his mission, so the thief went to help him. As they crawled their way up the slope, they noticed an axe and a baseball bat near the snowmen. Compiling all their hate for the snowman race, they brutally chopped and beat the snowmen, leaving nothing but chunks of snow behind. They returned to the car, cleaning the remains from their coats. Suddenly one of them decided it was unfair to baby Jesus to be alone. So they quickly grabbed both Mary and Joseph, throwing them into the back of the car.

As they returned home, they recited the night’s events out loud, laughing, letting the snowlust fade. They returned to the apartment, happily sharing their story and showing the spoils. As they prepared to sleep, they looked forward to dreaming of the look on the faces of those who had spent time on those they had destroyed. Unfortunately for the creators, this was not the end of what would become known as the Christmas of Broken Dreams.

December 2, 2007

U-P Date

Just a little refresher. I'm sitting pretty right now, enjoying life. I'm back in Rain Tree after a month off. Life is good. I really like this Katelin girl I randomly went and kissed, we've been hanging out all weekend. Work is going well, I'm just really enjoying my life right now. It snowed, which isn't really a good thing, but at the same time isn't really a bad thing. I'm kinda sick right now, one of my former coworkers got me and my other coworker sick. It sucks. But whatever. I'm going to stock up on some rest when I get off work. Like, I might not even do anything tonight, I might just sleep it up. Anyways, that's what's going on right now. Yay for me.