May 28, 2009


One thing I've noticed recently is how many of the people I surround myself with nowadays have crutches. Coffee, smoking, weed, alcohol, etc. Stuff they need every day to get by. I drink (maybe 3 times a month), but I don't go out every night after work. I have never smoked or tried any "illegal" drugs. I truly don't like coffee unless it's smothered in some caramel coated flavoring. Even then I rarely drink it. We're talking like one espresso in the last 12 months. My crutch used to be WoW (I rather not call it a crutch, more a hobby, but it was my crutch), but now that I haven't played in a month or two, I'm free of all addictive habbits, and to be honest, proud of it.

May 11, 2009

My life is a double bind people. I can't escape myself. Which is unfortunate. I have a bad habit, or a few I should say. It really makes life more difficult. I do it to myself though, maybe because I do better under pressure...

May 1, 2009


This my 100th post. Consider your lives, you just wasted moments reading this